Swimming pools in Geneva

Close to the lake, Geneva is an ideal location for swimming and water sports, thanks to the large number of indoor and open-air public pools.

Interdiction de fumer
Selon la loi cantonale en vigueur, il est interdit de fumer dans les lieux publics ou accessibles au public, tant à l'extérieur qu'à l'intérieur. Tous les terrains sportifs (centres sportifs, stades, piscines, pataugeoires, patinoires, salles de sport, etc), y compris les aires réservées aux spectateurs et spectatrices, sont concernés par cette interdiction.
The opening times are indicated in the monthly schedule available for download at the bottom of the page.
un enfant au bord d'une piscine

Of the 18 public swimming pools in the Canton of Geneva, six are operated by the City of Geneva. In addition to the two main public swimming pools in Les Vernets and Varembé, both of which have open-air pools, there are four community pools which are primarily used by the numerous water sports clubs in Geneva.


Service des sports

4 Rue Hans-Wilsdorf


Les Acacias


Article modifié le 30.04.2024 à 09:07